We are your Local Friendly Plumbing Company covering Banbury and surrounding villages ( OX15, OX16, OX17 ) We do cover other postcodes so please call us to check.
We cover from tap washers to full bathrooms!

Dripping Taps
We strive to save water and your money!
This is why we love fixing your dripping taps. If it's not possible to fixt we can advise on a replacement.
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We cover fault finding your cold radiators up to replacement radiators. Even if it's just a take off and put back on, so you can decorate, we have you covered. local plumber banbury, local plumber, local plumbing service, banbury plumber, loves plumbing, small plumbing jobs, bahroom refurb banbury.

Full Bathrooms
New bathroom?
Yes we love a new bathroom install: we work closely with other trades to provide you with a beautiful, new and bespoke bathroom which you can enjoy for years to come!
we do FREE Quotes so please just ask
we aim to reply within 24-48 hours! Please call or text for a quicker response